Life in Clark County, Kentucky in 1916

Life in Clark County, Kentucky in 1916

Life in Clark County, Kentucky in 1916

The following photographs below are of W. L. Fugate children. Worming and topping tobacco. W.L. Fugate rents farm. Willie, 12 years old and Ora, 10 years old will go to Schoolsville School, Clark Co., Ky., but it has not opened yet. Location: Hedges Station, Kentucky / Lewis W. Hine. 1916

The following photographs below are of W. L. Fugate children. Worming and topping tobacco. W.L. Fugate rents farm. Willie, 12 years old and Ora, 10 years old will go to Schoolsville School, Clark Co., Ky., but it has not opened yet. Location: Hedges Station, Kentucky / Lewis W. Hine. 1916

Ora Fugate, 10 years old worming tobacco. They said they do not worm in middle of day when hot, but work right through when “suckering.
Farming and School Life in Clark County, Kentucky in 1916