"I don't remember this time, as I was the one the pram was for, but my sister, Rosie, told me it was during the August school holidays, so I was about 5 months old. The running boards held boxes of oranges and apples and the Globite school cases held the kids clothing.On the roof was a WWII ex army tent and the back held the pram and several stools(ex army) Inside was all the family, plus the cocky in his cage and the bedding. Dad had to get in the passenger side as the drivers side was all loaded up.No seat belts or air con in them old days. Many years later when I could recall, This was how the family still camped at Forster and Port Macquarie, but the family grew, so in the 1950's Dad bought a trailer and us three girls slept in that, and the others all had wooden stretcher beds(ex army too) in the tent. There we no hot showers and August was cold, but the hot bread for lunch was magic. All the fish the boys and Dad Caught was in the frypan that night."

Credit: PD