Minerva "Minnie"
Buckner (Machen)

November 23, 1860 - January 13, 1958

Eddyville, Kentucky

Wife of Judge Anthony D. Sayre, and daughter of Senator Willis B. Machen. An artistic and eccentric person, Minnie (as she was always called) had an opportunity as a young woman to join the Drew-Barrymore theater company, but was forced to decline. Minnie bore six children- Marjorie, Daniel (who died at 18 months), Rosalind, Clothilde, Anthony Jr, and Zelda (who married F. Scott Fitzgerald).

When her son Daniel passed away, she was so overwrought with depression until her doctor advised that she should be strong for little Marjorie, who still needed her. She eventually pulled herself together and bore her husband four more children.

She outlived her respected husband by over thirty years- she died of a ripe old age of 97 in 1958.