
March 2, 1781 - October 16, 1856

Lexington, Kentucky

Son of Daniel Boone
Born; March 2, 1781, Boone's Station, Fayette County, Kentucky
Married; Olive VanBibber, Sept. 26, 1799
Nathan Boone was the youngest child of Daniel Boone, the pioneer of the Kentucky frontier. In 1796, Nathan with his family moved to what is now the state of Missouri. During the War of 1812 he was a captain of a company of Missouri volunteers. In 1820, Nathan was elected as a delegate to the state constitutional convention. After his service to the state, he accepted a commission as a captain in the lst Regiment U.S. Dragoons. After entrance into the army, he spent much of his time on the border and in Indian territory of that period. He retired as a lieutenant-colonel after spending twenty years of service in the army. He died in 1857 on his farm in Missouri.