Quietly Passes Away. Mrs. Mary Hedger Dies at Age of Eighty-seven Years.
After a long and useful life, Mrs. Mary A. Hedger died last Thursday, January 30, 1908. She was the daughter of William and Belinda Routt, and was born near Salt River Church, in Anderson County, March 17, 1821. Her parents were both Virginians by birth, were married there, and left for their new home in Kentucky the day after their marriage. She was the last one of her father's family, her brother, Peter Routt, and her sisters, Mrs. Jesse Waterfill, Mrs. J. K. Cummins and Mrs. Thomas McMurry, having preceded her to the grave by several years.
Mrs. Hedger was twice married. The first time by Rev. Jordan Walker, on December 16, 1836, to Greenville Holman, son of Reuben Holman, who for many years was a most acceptable magistrate of the county. This happy union was cut short by the untimely death of Mr. Holman. Two children blessed their home, one of whom died in infancy, the other, Miss Sarah Ann, lived to be grown and in 1856 became the wife of Mr. George McLain.
After enduring the loneliness of widowhood for about a year, Mrs. Holman gave her heart and hand in marriage to J. T. Hedger who afterwards became a useful minister in the Baptist denomination. This marriage took place at the home of Rev. James Hawthorn, a Presbyterian preacher, two miles south of Lawrenceburg, at a place commonly called the "cross roads". Part of the old house is still standing.
Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Hedger, namely: Mrs. W.T. Martin, Mrs. W.H. Jewell, of Livingstone county, W. G. Hedger, Mrs. W. D. Moore, Mrs. J.R. Norris, of Union county, Mrs. C. H. Gillis, Rev. John T. Hedger and Mrs. J. J. Maurer, of San Antonio, Texas. Two of this number, Mrs. Gillis and John T, have joined the great majority. Since the death of her husband, which occurred March 18, 1899, Mrs. Hedger has made her home with her children who live in this county.
For some time Mrs. Hedger had been very feeble both in body and mind, brought on by the infirmities of old age, besides this for three years she had suffered with almost total blindness. But amid it all, no word of complaint ever escaped her lips. It is said by those who knew her in her girlhood days that she was unusually beautiful. How truly does the prophet say, "We all do fade as the leaf."
While she was never strong in body, she was vigorous in mind, and read many books, but most of all, the Bible, which she almost knew by heart.
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Rich obituary and tribute to Mary Ann "Polly" Routt Hedger.
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