The writer has charge of a flourishing school in the village of Gum Grove. This village boast of dry goods and grocery store, school, doctor's office, and blacksmith shop.
It is gratifying to learn that work has begun on the Louisville Southern in Anderson. I hope to have the privilege of riding into Lawrenceburg on the cars before many months have passed.
The question, "How is the river?" has become as common as rail road talk in Anderson. The water has been over the streets of Caseyville for several weeks, but very little damage to property has been reported.
The trade in livestock this week has been quite active. Perkins & Johnson of Gum Grove bought 20 head of fat cattle at 33/4 cents per pound and 200 head of hogs at 4.5 cents per pound.
Married, at the residence of the bride's father, W. H. H. Jewel, on the 7th inst, Mr. J. R. McIntire and Miss Sue E. Jewel, both of Union County -- the writer officiating. The bridge has many relatives in Anderson County.
Nothing indicates progress in a community more than a good school house. This district is making preparation to build a house in the near future. The lumber is already prepared, and work will likely begin in a short time. The house will cost about five hundred dollars.
Notwithstanding the low price of tobacco, the farmers in this county have sown plant beds, expecting to raise another crop. Judging from the present indications the acreage set in tobacco will be but very little reduced. The farmers say they can make as much money on tobacco at four dollars per hundred as they can on corn at thirty five cent per bushel.
We observe in the News, that the Camdenville school expects to turn out more than twenty teachers this session. This is nearly half enough to supply the schools in that county. This number added to those from Lawrenceburg Seminary and those who graduated from the different colleges, together with those already engaged in business will give Anderson an over supply. There is perhaps no other business into which young men and ladies are so eager to enter, and yet when they have gotten in, the great majority are in just as great a hurry to get out. As a consequence very few teachers who have had practical experience enough in the school room to really qualify them for the calling, can be found.
J. T. H.
This is a type-written copy of a newspaper clipping containing an article/letter J. T. Hedger wrote back to Anderson County, likely for the Anderson News, in 1887. Noble S. Hedger transcribed.
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