Sometimes, a girl just needs to misbehave! These remarkable photos from the past show a couple of our favorite "misbehaving" photos. Note: we condone all of these activities!

This 1922 photo from Chicago shows two women being arrested for wearing "scandalous" swimsuits that didn't abide by the decency laws of the time. What a hoot!

Kicking Back After Work. You can tell these girls are enjoying their time off after a long day of work! It looks like they've grabbed a bottle, some food, and headed up to the roof to catch some sun and share the latest gossip. I bet they could tell some stories! If you look closely, it looks like not only have they brought a nice bottle of drink up with them, but they took the time to craft the bag in to a horse!

Nothing better than taking a break in the summer! We love this early 1900s photo of a group doing some Saturday afternoon wading at the lake! You can almost hear their sons saying, "MOM!"
21 Old Photos of Girls Misbehaving