Dr Jacob

April 30, 1822 - November 28, 1908

Anderson County, Kentucky

Lexington Herald, Lexington, KY
Wednesday, December 2, 1908
Volume: 38 Issue: 337 Page: 10


Dr. J. C. Gibbs Passes Away at 83 From Infirmities of old Age.

LAWRENCEBURG, Ky., Dec. 1. - Dr. J. C. Gibbs, one of the "doctors of the old school," passed away ay his home near Glensboro at the age of 87 years, after a short illness from the infirmities of old age. Dr. Gibbs has been an influential citizen of the county for many years, and reared a family of three boys and five girls, all of whom are respected and valuable citizens of Anderson county. One son is also a physician and is located at Fox Creek.
Dr. Gibbs was married in 1845 and his wife died in 1904. He was one of a family of thirteen children, and all lived to a ripe old age, the only two survivors, a brother and sister, being 85 and 82 years old respectively. He was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church, having been baptized by one of that denomination's most prominent preachers, Elder Jordan walker, fifty-five years ago.


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