Marriage Proposal to Lucy A Moore of Kentucky, 1859.

From John "J. J. " James Rucker in Lexington, Kentucky

To: Lucy Ann (Searcy) Moore in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky

December 27, 1859

Dearest Cousin,

I again avail myself of the opertunity to writing you a few lines to let you know that I received your leter after I had allmost dispaired of receiving an answer, you will please excuse my aparent neglect of writing as I was called away from home a good portion of (???) and, not Receiving at the time, I most expected it.  I was therefore hindered and you cannot conceave of the pleasure it afforded me of hearing from you and having the gratification of a correspondence with one who can appreciate what I say in writing as well as by word of mouth. 

The question that I requested the Privilege of asking which was granted were simple this:  Are you inclined to engage in matrimonial Life.  If so, how soon.  Now those questions may be quite as much you may be inclined to answer at preasant, So I will not press the mater any further at this time.  You see I am plain and I wish you to be plain.  The (???) which I am writing you will please excuse bad writing and mistakes.  Give my love to all and Receive for yourself a goodly portion. 

John J. Rucker