Hoar (Leonard)

May 13, 1800 - May 4, 1859

Louisville Democrat (Louisville, Kentucky) 6 May 6, 1859
Louisville Daily Courier May 6, 1859

Died in Jefferson County on the afternoon of the 4th instant Mrs. Sarah H. Meriwether, wife of the Hon. David Meriwether, late governor of New Mexico, after an illness of three days. Mrs. Meriwether died in the 59th year of her age. For the past few years she had been occasionally afflicted with serious disease of the stomach, which occasionally proved very intractable. The recent attack was unquestionably connected with this malady, which aided in rendering it fatal.

Mrs. Meriwether was known to the writer of this account upwards of twenty six years, and the quiet unassuming and dignified graces of her deportment made an early impression that grew deeper and broader with advancing years. In her domestic virtues she was unsurpassed. Her mind had a great deal of natural vigor, and its natural forces were increased by intercourse with the works of the master minds of English literature. She reared a family of seven children, and she had the satisfaction of seeing them exhibit the fruits in maturity of that early culture in which she assiduously devoted herself. Her family, her relatives, and numerous friends will greatly miss her from that circle of duties to which she confined her attentions and in which she excelled. Her husband and family have our heart-felt and sincere condolements in their heavy affliction and bereavement.