
May 26, 1825 - January 5, 1903

Louisville, Kentucky

Newspaper unknown (?Louisville, Kentucky)
Date unknown (died January 5, 1903)

Death Comes Suddenly to William A. Meriwether
Had been in Poor Health
Conditions Did Not Become Serious Until Yesterday
Close Friend of Lincoln
Served in Gen. Butler's Staff In Mexican War and Held Numerous Federal Offices.
Interest in Civic Affairs

Mr. William Augustus Meriwether, one of the most widely known and respected citizens of Louisville, died suddenly yesterday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Samuel Dorr, 1311 Second street. The immediate cause of his death was inflammation of the bladder, though he had been a sufferer from a complication of diseases for a number of months.

The suddenness of Mr. Meriwether's death is shown by the fact that he was not confined to his bed until yesterday morning, and that the members of his family were conversing with him up to the time of his death. When Dr. Skinner arrived yesterday morning at 10 o'clock he noticed the critical condition of his charge and summoned Dr. W.O. Roberts. After a brief consultation the immediate members of the family were summoned and were at his bedside when the end came.

Native of Louisville

Mr. Meriwether was born in Louisville on May 25, 1825, and was seventy-eight years of age. He was the eldest son of David Meriwether. His father was Governor of New Mexico during the Civil War. The surviving children are Mrs. Charles Mengel, Jr., Miss Lilly E. Tryon, Mrs. Samuel Dorr, Dr. Frank T. Meriwether, a prominent physician of Ashville, N.C, and Mr. D. Leonard Meriwether, an insurance agent of city.

Efforts To Regain Health

Mr. Meriwether left Louisville last September for Portsmouth, N.H., where he went to spend the summer with his daughter, Mr. Charles C. Mengel, Jr. While there he was taken ill and went to the Wentworth at Ashville, in August, in the hope of an improvement in his condition, but failing to secure any permanent relief he came back to Louisville the first of October upon the advise of his son, Dr. F. T. Meriwether, who was attending him. Since his return he ad been confined to the house, but occasionally took a drive with one of his children.

Led Active Life

At the time of his death, Mr. Meriwether was secretary of the Highland Park Land Company.

He was a stanch Republican, and always took an active interest in the party's affairs. He held many positions under the Government, and also served in the General Council during the terms of Mayor George D. Todd and Charles P. Weaver, having been elected from the Sixth and Seventh wards. Mr. Meriwether and Abraham Lincoln were warm personal friends, and it was when the latter was President that he appointed Mr. Meriwether Marshall of the United States Court. The first official position that Mr. Meriwether held was in the early 60's when he was appointed a Deputy United States Marshall by President Johnson. IN the latter part of 1869 he was appointed to the marshallship and served until 1878.

Clerk of Federal Court

Mr. Meriwether was then appointed Clerk of the United States Court. During the Mexican War Gen. W.O. Butler appointed Mr. Meriwether to his staff and he served with great distinction.

Mr. Meriwether was generous to a fault, and those who were in need were never turned from his door without having been helped. A friend of Mr. Meriwether, in speaking of his death, said: "He gave so generously and freely that the left hand never knew what the right was doing."

He was a devout churchman, and every Sunday afternoon, rain or shine, he would visit the City Hospital and talk to the inmates. Reading matter at the institution was always supplied by him, and on Christmas a tree filled with presents for those who were unable to be at home with their loved ones was also provided through the thoughtfulness of Mr. Meriwether.

Relatives Are Notified

Mr. Charles C. Mengel, who is in New York on a business trip, was notified of his father-in-law's death, and will reach home tomorrow. His son, Dr. Frank T. Meriwether, who lives in Ashville, was also notified of his father's death and will arrive tomorrow. The funeral arrangements will not be completed until their arrival.